Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Dynamic analysis, 272
Dzhugtashvili, losif (Stalin), 76, 79

Edwards, Edwin, 305
Ego, 78-79, 350
Egypt, and Hussein, 360
Ehrlichman, John, 141
Eilts, Herman, 56
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 145, 150,
Election, Clinton's 1996, 310
Electoral campaigns, 162, 262, 298,
Elms, A. C., 22
Emotional speech, 147, 150
Entertainment, Hitler's, 42
Entrepreneurship and economic
development, motives in, 166
Environment: responsiveness to, 332;
task, 254
Erikson, Erik, 71, 73, 74
Escalation, motives in conflict,
Etheredge, L. S., 31-32
Evidence, 113, 115. See also Sources
Expansionistic orientation, 381
Explainers, verbal, 29—30, 145, 306
Expressions of feeling, 145

Fact, historical, as level of analysis,
Faith, inherent bad, 26
Falkowski, L., 222
Familiar behavior, 151
Family background, 55, 115,
118-20, 142; Clinton's, 277-80;
Hitler's, 40, 45, 49; Hussein's,
Faschingbauer, T. R., 31
Feeling, expressions of, 145
Fidelity, 286, 295, 3O2n. 8
Flexibility, of tactics, 230—31
Flowers, Gennifer, 279

Focus, task, 197-99
Ford, Gerald R., 143, 148
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report, 173, 179, 370
Foreign policy: categories of, 31—33;
Clinton on, 323; leader personality
effect on, 2, 4. See also International
Forest management, value conflict in,
Fortune, 294
Freedman, N., 137
Free speech, 140
Freud, Sigmund, 13, 17-19, 23,
i32n. 5
Frost, David, 305
FulbrightJ. W., 286, 287

Gandhi, Indira, 73
Gender-related differences, 264—65
Generalization, prediction from,
Genetic analyses, 272
George, Alexander L., 13, 17, 26, 99,
108, 123, 183; on operation code
analysis, 216-17, 218, 219, 221,
223, 241; on strategy and tactics,
400-402, 405; on trade-offs, 412;
on Woodrow Wilson, 15, 16—18,
19-20, I32n. 6
George, Juliette L., 13, 15—18,
19—20, 108, i32n. 6, 405
George III, i
Germany, 49—50, 165, 176
Gingrich, Newt, 310
Glad, B., 12
Global Assessment of Functioning
Scale, 256
Goals, 23. See also Motivations
Gonzalez, Felipe, 77
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 35, 144, 264,
Gore, Al, 115, 117, 122
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