Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Government: leader profiling within,
3; in theory-practice gap, 400—401
Grammar: personality traits reflected
in, 148—52; transformational, 139.
See also Language; Speech; Verbal
Grandiosity, 57, 296, 300
Great Britain, 165-66, 172, 173,
176, 252; complexity of politicians
in, 252
Greenstein, F. I., 2, 13—14, 29, 64,
71, 399; construction of stories by,
272; on theory, 106-7, !3in- i
Groupthink, 28, 263
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC),
359, 360
Gulf crisis. See Persian Gulf crisis
Guttieri, Karen P., 6, 65, 246, 263,
443; on strategy, 405-6

Haldeman, H. R., 141, 145
Hansard's Parliamentary Debates,
Hart, J. A., 29
Hasan, Hajj Ibrahim (Hussein's step-
father), 336
Hawke, David, 73
Health care plan, Clinton's, 296-97,
Hempsted County, Arkansas, 30in. 3
Hermann, C. F., 184
Hermann, Margaret G., 52, 65, 184,
211, 272, 443; on cognitive com-
plexity, 25-26, 27; constructing
profile, 203—8; on foreign policy
orientation, 2, 4; on integrative
model, 32—35; on motivation, 6,
163, 164, 165, 168; on personality
models, 407; on reliability and
validity, 208—11; on strategy, 404,
Hess, Rudolph, 42
High Hopes (Renshon), 7, 271

Historians, study of speech habits by,
History of leader profiling, 3—7
Histrionic behavior, 150
Hitler, Adolf, i, 2, 165, 257; descrip-
tions of, 39-45; Langer's study of,
39, 46-50
Hoess, Rudolf, 30
Holsti, O., 26, 217—20, 221, 222-23,
405; VICS typology of, 231—33,
326, 327, 389, 390, 391
Honor. See Reputation
Hope, Arkansas, 277-78, 291, 3oin.
Hostage policy, 341; Hussein's,
Hot Springs, Arkansas, 278, 281
House, R. J., 159
Hussein, king of Jordan, 73, 74-75
Hussein, Qusay (Hussein's son), 355,
Hussein, Rghad (Hussein's daughter).
See Kamal, Rghad
Hussein, Saddam, 6-7, 36, 335-79;
advisers to, 377—78, 383; ambi-
tions, 336, 339, 343-44; beliefs of,
387—90; complexity of, 249; con-
struction of stories on, 271—73;
ideology, 336—38, 345; integrative
complexity of, 391—96; on Kuwait
situation, 339, 341, 345-46, 348,
350-51; materials on, 369—70,
375; motivation of, 370—74; opera-
tional code beliefs of, 387-89, 390,
394; power and reputation of,
348—50; profile in context,
382—86; revolutionary pragma-
tism, 340, 345, 349; siege mental-
ity of, 352; speech habits of, 347,
367-70; strategy of, 399—400;
traits of, 367—70, 375—81; on U.S.
"Vietnam Complex," 411
Hussein, Uday (Hussein's son), 353, 355
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