Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Ideal types, in beliefs, 220, 222
Ideology, 252-53, 336-38, 344
Impact-orientation, 157—58
Impatience, 294
Impression management, 258—61,
Impulsiveness, 138, 139, 148, 297
India, 73
Indochina, 172
Inferences: psychological, 125—26;
using motive imagery, 164
Infidelity, 286, 295, 3O2n. 8
Influence. See Control; Power
Information: availability of, 11, 236;
in integrative complexity, 246;
openness to, 183, 185, 192—96,
317—18; warfare of, 410—11. See
also Sources
Information processing, 87-88, 92,

  1. See also Cognition
    In-group bias, 199—202, 314,
    Inherent bad faith, 26
    Initiative, Clinton's, 316
    "Integrated System for Scoring
    Motives" (Weintraub), 173, i77n.
    Integration, and differentiation, 247,
    Integration strategy, 404
    Integrative complexity, 27-29, 30,
    32—35, 246—70, 406; Clinton's,
    328—32; situational characteristics
    in, 254—58; social factors in,
    258—65; state complexity in, 249,
    251—54; technical aspects in,
    265—70; theory of, 246-49, 254;
    traits of, 249-5z
    Integrity, 108—13,^2 9°> 291— 92, 297,

  2. See also Character
    Intelligence, human and technologi-
    cal, 60-61
    Intensity, of tactics, 227

Intentionality, 95. See also Motiva-
International relations, 408; negotia-
tion in, 58, 384; political universe
in, 226—27; profiling during crises
in, 395; theories of, 401—2. See also
Conflict; Crisis; Foreign policy;
Peace; Strategy; Tactics; Terrorism;
Interpersonal traits, 22, 318
Interpretation, 259, 407; of behavior,
240-43; as level of analysis, 115; of
motivation scores, 174-77; °f
unconscious dimensions, 114, 216;
of VICS indices, 228, 230. See also
Prediction; Translation
Interviews, 55, 179-80, 370-71;
audience for, 207; with Clinton,
313; with Hussein, 374, 375;
unstructured, 13211. 3
Intrapsychic factors, 251—54, 258,
Iran, 75, 340-41, 358
Iraq: in Arab history, 336—39; in
Kuwait situation, 339, 341,
345—48, 349—51, 393; war with
Iran, 339-40
Iraqi National Congress (INC), 353, 356
Israel, 74-75, 76

Jabotinsky, Vladimir, 76
Janis, I. L., 28, 263
Jaques, E., 29
Jassim, Latif, 344, 351
Jefferson, Thomas, 171, 172
Jervis, R., 26, 399
Johnson, Lyndon B., 29-30, 144,
149, 151, 309, 3i2n. i
JollJ, 177
Jordan, 73; and Hussein, 355, 359
Journalistic accounts, 116, 118,

Jubbur (Sunni tribe), 353
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