Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Kaarbo, J., 184
Kamal, Hussein (Hussein's
son-in-law), 346, 354
Kamal, Rghad (Hussein's daughter),
Kamal, Saddam (Hussein's
son-in-law), 355
Keeping Faith (Carter), 53,58
Kelley, Virginia, 124, 277—85; mar-
riages of, 277-79, 282, 285; psy-
chological perspective of, 280—84
Kennedy, John F., 51, 166, 263;
access to records of, 176; compari-
son with Jefferson and Lincoln,
171, 172; motives of, 161; speech-
writing of, 174; verbal behavior of,
Kennedy, Robert, 176
Kenya, 409
Khatami, Mohammad, 358
Khazraji, Nizar, 346
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 76, 341, 343,
Khrushchev, Nikita, 50—51, 166
King Hussein Hospital, Amman, 74
Kissinger, Henry, 56
Kosovo, 410
Kowert, P. A., 256
Kiihlmann, Richard von, 176
Kurds, 340
Kuwait, 249, 339, 341, 345-46, 348,
35°—5 J> 39o—95- $ee a^so Arab his-
tory; Persian Gulf crisis

Landsberg Prison, 42
Langer, Walter, 39
Language: Clinton's, 332; Hussein's,
347, 348
Larry King Live, 294
Lasswell, H., 16, 129, 130-31
Lavallee, L., 253
Leaders: individual, 164; pop-up, 52;
as social agents, 273

Leadership, 91; collegial, 320; com-
plexity of, 250-51; political, 78;
psychological models of, 91, 409;
role in, 56; style of, 80—81, 178,
181-86, 211, 313-15, 375. See also
Advisers; Personality; Profile;
Lee, Robert E., 249, 250—51
Left-right political dimension,
Lehmann-Haupt, C,, 121
Leites, N., 26, 215, 216, 221, 222
Lenin, Vladimir, 76
Levi, A., 28
Levinson, Dan, 74
Lewinsky, Monica, 297
Lexis-Nexis, 120, 173
Lincoln, Abraham, 171, 172
Link, A. S., 19
Little Rock High School, Ark.,
Longitudinal approach, to profiling,
Louisiana, 305

Machiavellianism, 364, 385
Mahmud, General Abd Hamid, 355
Management style: of narcissistic per-
sonality, 87—88; of obsessive-com-
pulsive personality, 92—93; of para-
noid personality, 99
Manager, cognitive, 249, 264,
Manstead, A. S. R., 260
Maoz, Z., 264
Mao Zedong, 344
Mapping, cognitive, 29
Marcus, George, 4
Marriage, 277-79, 282, 285-90, 297
Masada complex, 345
Mathews, David, 294
Mazlish, B., 128
McCain, John, 117-18, 120
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