Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

McClelland, D. C, 24, 166
Meaning: as level of analysis, 115;
psychological elements of, 125
Measurement: of complexity, 267—70;
of motivation, 23—24; reliability
and validity of, 406
Medical conditions, 19
Megalomania, 342
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 49
Memoirs, 121. See also Biography
Mental disorders, 83
Mentor, role of, 75—77
Messiah complex, 43-44, 46, 48, 57;
Hussein's, 335, 338, 342-43, 373-
See also Nobel Prize complex
Methods, personality assessment,
63—65; at-a-distance, 12—14,^22 >
25, 36; measurement in, 23—24,
267-70, 406; paired comparison,
172; for profiling, 3—7, 70, 408,
411—12; psychobiographical, 143.
See also Profile; Psychobiography;
Verbal categories; Verbs in Context
Mexico, 172
Michigan, University of, 141
Middle East conflict, 58; Arab history
in, 336—40. See also Kuwait
Military, 394
Milosevic, Slobodan, 410
Mind of Adolf Hitler, The (Lunger), 39,
46, 50
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI-2), 30
Mitchell, Alison, 310
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Shah of
Iran), 75
Moodiness, 149
Morgan, C. D., 24
Motivation and Personality: Handbook of
Thematic Content Analysis (Smith),
Motivations, 6, 22—24, 3°^; achieve-

ment, 154—56, 222, 299—300,
307, 309—10, 371—73; affiliation,
23, 154-57, 222, 307, 371-73; of
African leaders, 164; and beliefs,
221—23; to be liked, 292; to be
special, 294—95; change in, 3i2n,
i; Clinton's, 306—12, 318—19;
dimensions of, 153-58; Hussein's
profile, 370—74; interpretation of,
174-77; for peace, 32—33, 165—66;
Perot's, 168—70; pluralism of,
253—54; of political actors,
165—67; political dimensions of,
357; for power, 154—59, J87—90,
370-72, 377, 379, 383, 385; prob-
lem or relationship, 197—203,
318—19, 322, 329; research on,
21—25, I59~65; responsiveness to,
183-84, 183; scoring of, 167-68,
171—74; for seeking office, 161—62,
197—99; of Supreme Court justices,
163; unconscious, 114, 216; of
U.S. presidents, 159-60
Msallat, Khayrallah Talfah (Hussein's
uncle), 336-37
Msallat, Sabha Talfah (Hussein's
mother), 336
Murray, H. A., 23, 24
Mussolini, Benito, 165
Mutual fund managers, motives of,

Narcissistic personality, 81, 84,
87-88; Hitler's, 40; Hussein's,
341-42; Kelley's, 280-83
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 338, 350, 351,
Nationalism, 25; Hussein's, 377, 378,
383, 384-85
NATO, 394
Nayef, Abdul Razzaz al, 338-39
Nazi leaders, 30
Nebuchadnezzar, 337, 350
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