Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Need, 23; to be liked, 292; to be spe-
cial, 294—95; f°r power, 377, 379,
383, 385. See also Motivations
Negatives, in speech, 145
Negotiations, 58, 384. See also Inter-
national relations
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 73
Nehru, Motilal, 73, 75
Neurotic Styles (Shapiro), 89, 94
New Hampshire primary, 162
New Orleans, Louisiana, 278
News accounts, 116, 118, i3in. 2
News conferences, 370—71
Newsweek, 393
New York Times, 180, 292, 310
Nixon, Richard M., 128, 148, 161,
164; verbal behavior of, 141, 144,
149, 152
Nkrumah, Kwame, 381
Nobel Prize complex, 54, 57, 85. See
also Messiah complex
Noncrisis, leaders' score in, 209
Non-groupthink, 263
Nonpersonal references, 146—47
North, Lord, i
North Korea, 392
Nuclear arms, 349, 361, 407-8

Objectivity, of at-a-distance measure-
ment, 21, 22
Obsessive-compulsive personality, 81,
88-93, I01
Oedipal complex, 40, 3Oon. 2,
30in. 5
Oettingen, G., 29
Office of Strategic Services, CIA,
Ones, D. S., 31
Openness to information, 183, 183,
192-96, 317-18, 326
Operational code, 26—27, 2I5~455
behavioral predictions in,
244—45; beliefs in, 216—19, 221,

231-33, 324; Bolshevik, 221;
Clinton's, 243; contents of, 220;
Holsti's VICS typology in,
231-33, 3^2 6, 327, 389,390,
391; Hussein's, 243, 387-89,
374, 375 J interpreting behavior
in, 240—43; leader's, 235—39;
VICS indices, 226-31; VICS
method, 215, 223-26
Opinion, audience, 262
Oppositional trait, 150
Optimism, 217, 219, 319
Oratory, Hitler's, 49. See also Speeches
Oregon, 172
Organizational propensities, 82
Organization of Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC), 75
Orientation: impact, 157—58; risk,
229-30, 296-97; self-other, 157,
192, 284—85, 293, 326, 381; task,
197—99; work, 89—90
Osama bin Laden, 409—10

Paired comparisons, as method of
scoring, 172
Palestine, 74—75
Palestinian cause, Hussein's support
of, 344, 350, 359, 363
Pan Arabism, 338, 351
Panos, P., 331
Paragraph Completion Test (PCT),
Paranoid personality, 81, 93—100,
Partnerships, political, 287—90. See
also Advisers
Passivity, 150
Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK),
Pattern: and prediction, 128; psycho-
logical, 109,293
Peace: disposition for, 32—33; motive
for, 165—66
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