Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Perez, Shimon, 237, 240, 241,
Perfection, of obsessive-compulsive
personality, 88-89
Performance, presidential, 106
Perot, Ross, 168-70
Perry, William, 408
Persian Gulf crisis, 249, 340, 341,
345—52, 391—96, 400. See also
Arab history
Persistence, 293
Personal crises, 264
Personality, leadership, 69, 178;
belief and motivation in, 223; dis-
orders of, 79-80; healthy, 100; nar-
cissistic, 81, 84, 87—89;
obsessive-compulsive, 81, 88—93,
101; over life cycle, 74; paranoid,
81, 93—100, 101, 344; traits of, 6,
30-32, 38n. 6, 148, 184, 303,
382; types of, 78, 80-81, 407. See
also Profile; Traits
Personal security, 41
Pessimism, 217, 219
Peterson, C., 29
Phenomenology, 13, 15—17, 51,
Physique, Hitler's, 41
Policy community: dilemmas in, 181;
preferences in, 82; in theory-prac-
tice gap, 400—401, 403
Political psychology, leader profiling
within, 3
Political Psychology Division, CIA,
Political universe, 226-27. See also
International relations
Politics: left-right dimension in,
252—53; of motivation, 373
Polk, James K., 172
Post, Jerrold M., 5, 7, 19, 444; on
assessment methods, 64, 65, 102,
372; construction of stories by,

271-73; on strategies, 404, 405,
Power, 16, 348, 350; in belief system,
222; Clinton's scores on, 315—16;
motivation for, 154, 15^, 156,
158-59, 187-90, 371-73; relative
to achievement, 309—12; VICS
indices of, 229—30. See also Control
Practice-theory gap, 400—401, 403
Pragmatism, 340, 345, 349
Prediction: behavioral, 127-30,
233—35, 237—40, 300; from gener-
alization, 401—4; influence of per-
sonality on, 399; in operational
code, 244—45; of political future,
229-30. See also Profile
Presidential Papers, 180
Presidents, U.S., 171, 172; candidates
for, 105, 117, 161—62, 168—70;
complexity of speeches of, 330; as
data source, 117; motivations of,
159—61; performance of, 106; psy-
chology of, 105; traits of, 31-32:
verbal scores of, 147, 148
Preston, T., 184
Primakov, Yevgeny, 345
Private or public source, 116-20,
260, 266
Problem, as motivation, 197-203,
Processes, motives in, 165—66
Profile, leadership, 69, 77, 203-12;
conceptual framework for, 101—4;
constructing and contextualizing,
203-8, 211-12, 382-83; differ-
ences in, 208—9; in psychobiogra-
phy, 72; reliability of, 209—10. See
also Methods
Profiler computer program, 186
Projection, as ego defense, 96
Pronouns, use of, 144—45, X 52 >

(^1) 94-95. 303- (^6). 368
Pryor, David, 291

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