Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Psychoanalytic theory, 107-8, 113,
115, 123, 130—31. See also individ-
ual complexes: Masada; Messiah;
Nobel Prize; Oedipal
Psychobiographers, 20
Psychobiography, 12—14, 47'» 5^2 >
72-73, 143; of Wilson, 13, 14-19.
See also Profile
Psychological Assessment of Presidential
Candidates, The (Renshon), in,
Psychological pattern, 109, 293. See
also Character
Psychology: on assessment of leader-
ship (see also Profile), 3, 5; of char-
acter, 108; elements of meaning in,
125; leader profiling in, 3, 409;
meaning in, 125; of presidents and
candidates, 105
Public or private sources, 116—20,
260, 266. See also Sources
Public Papers of the Presidents, 172, 306
Public support, for U.S. leaders,

Qaddafi, Muammar al-, 348
Qassem, General Abdul Karem, 338
Qualifiers, verbal, 143—44, 303—4,
306, 368
Qur'an, 362

Rabin, Yitzakh, 75, 237, 240, 241,
Ramirez, C., 28
RAND Corporation, 215
Rashid, Hussein, 346
Rather, Dan, 294, 368
Rationalization, 139
Reagan, Ronald, 35, 142, 145, 151,
Realization of political values, 227
Reciprocity, 235
Reconsideration, 148

Reductionism, 113
Relatedness, no, 290—91, 292, 297
Relationship: complexity of, 255,
257, 258; as motivation, 197—203,
318—19, 322, 329
Reliability, 175, 208-11, 406
Religion, 42
Renshon, Stanley A., 5, 7, 64, 65,
no, 444; construction of stories
by, 271-73; on interpretive analy-
sis, 407; on strategy, 404, 405
Reputation, 346, 348, 351
Research, leader personality, 3—4,
11-36, 164, 246-47, 400;
at-a-distance, 12—14,^2 5> 3^; on
cognition, 25—29; on explanatory
style, 29—30; historians on speech
habits, 142; integrative model of,
33—34; on intrapsychic factors,
252; on motives and measurement,
21—25; multivariate strategies of,
33; on Nazi leaders, 30; on opera-
tional codes, 219; by psychobiogra-
phers, 20; psychobiography case
study, 12—14, 143; psychobiogra-
phy of Wilson, 13, 14—19; single
variable, 32—33; situational vari-
ables, 35—36; on traits, 31—32; uses
of, 50. See also Theory
Reserve Officer Training Corps
(ROTC), 286
Resilience, 151
Response: to constraints, 315—16; to
motivation, 183-84, 185; to stress,
Responsibility, taking of, 298
Retractors, verbal, 144, 303—4, 306
Revolt, The (Begin), 58,76
Revolutionary Comman Council
(RCC), 356, 363
Revolutionary pragmatism, 340, 345,
Rhetoric, 347, 395. See also Speeches
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