Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

Right-left political dimension,
Rigidity, 89—91, 94
Risk orientation, 229-30, 296—97
Roberts, Joan, 30in. 7
Rokeach Value Survey, 252
Rolling Stone, 295
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 161, 305
Rorschach test, 30
Rubenzer, S. J., 31
Ruiz, A., 264
Rumsfeld, Donald, 61
Runyan, W. M., 13, 14, 130
Rusk, Dean, 235-36, 235, 241-42, 263

Sachs, Hanns, 12
Sadat, Anwar, 53—57, 59, 74, 347,
Sadat, Jihan, 56
Saladin, 337, 350
Salih, Muhammad Mahdi (Iraqi trade
minister), 360
Saudi Arabia, and Hussein, 359—60,
Satterfield, J., 30, 256
Scapegoats, 202
Schafer, Mark, 6, 65, 272, 405, 444
Schaffner, P. E., 71
Schickelgruber, Alois, 40, 49
Schickelgruber, Clara, 40
Scorer, qualifications of, 266—67,
Scoring, profile, 210; of comparable
speeches, 374n. i; of comparison
group, 167—70; integrative com-
plexity, 267—70, 329; of motives,
167-68, 171-74; standardized,
371; TAT, 175; trait, 186, 314,
321,376-77, 382, 383; VICS,
324, 376-77, 388, 388-89. See also
Self-confidence, 192—95, 314, 317,

Self-esteem, 18-19
Self-interest, 83—87, 156
Self-other orientation, 157, 192,
284-85, 293, 326, 381
Seligman, M. E. P., 29
Sensitivity, to criticism, 378
Sex-related differences, 264—65
Sexual life, 43. See also Fidelity
Shah of Iran, 75
Shapiro, David, 89-91, 94-96
Shatt al Arab waterway, 340—41
Shayer, A., 264
Shoko Asahara, 409—10
Siege mentality, Hussein's, 352
Simonton, D. K., 31
Situational characteristics, of integra-
tive complexity, 254—58
Situational variables, 35
Skills, of presidential candidates,
Slavery, values conflict on, 253
Snare, C. E., 165
Social agents, leaders as, 273
Social factors, in integration complex-
ity, 258-65
Somalia, 410—11
Sources, information, 171-73, 260,
313; accessibility of, 176; anec-
dotal, 122—23; behind-the-
scenes, 120—22; biographical, 40,
45, 49, 55, 115, 118—19, 142; of
comparable documents, 172; fam-
ily background as, 277—80,
335—36; identity of, 265; new
accounts as, 116, 118, 13in. 2 ;
news conferences as, 370—71; pri-
vate and public, 116— 20, 260,
266; for psychoanalysis, 113,
115; selection of, 171, 306—7;
speeches as, 179—81; status of,
261—62; for trait analysis,
179—81; verbal data as, 140. See
also Information
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