Assessing Leadership Style: Trait Analysis

(Ron) #1

115; psychoanalytic, 130-31; vali-
dation, 127. See also Psychoanalytic
Time period, of comparison, 321
Tokyo, 409
Topics, nature of, 206-7,^2 °8
Trade-offs, decision-making, 412
Trait analysis: leadership style based
on, 178, 181—86, 211; openness to
information in, 183, 185, 192—96,
317-18, 326; problem-oriented,
197—203, 322, 329;
relationship-oriented, 197—203,
255, 257-58, 318-19, 322, 329;
responsiveness to constraints in,
187-92; source material for,
Traits, personality, 30—32, 38n. 6,
184, 186—87, 359; complexity of,
249—51; psychology of, 106—7;
scoring of, 186, 314, 376-77, 383;
stability of, 382
Translation: language, 210, 265, 266;
of motive imagery, 175. See also
Triangulation strategy, 404
Truman, Harry, 153, 311
Trust, 199-201, 202—3
Turkey, 264; and Hussein, 359
Turner, Admiral Stansfield, 58
Tyrell, Sir William, 176

'Ubayd (Sunni tribe), 353
Unconscious motivation, 114, 216
Understanding, psychological, 115,
United Arab Emirates (UAE), 360
United Nations: resolutions on Iraq,
346, 348, 393; Special Commission
Observation Mission (UNSCOM),
357,360, 361
United States: complexity of electoral
campaigns in, 262; complexity of

politicians in, 252; public support
of leaders in, 410—11; relations
with Soviet Union, 215; on United
Nations—Iraq resolution, 344—45,
University of British Columbia, 392
U.S. Institute for Peace, 400
USSR, 163, 164, 215, 237, 342
Utility of means indices, 228—29

Validation theory, 127
Validity, 406; of at-a-distance mea-
surement, 21, 22; of profiling,
Value pluralism, 252—53
Values: realization of political, 227;
on slavery, 253
Van Gogh, Vincent, 13, 14
Variables: single and multiple,
32—33; situational, 35-36; struc-
tural, 248; validated, 22
Verbal categories, 143-48; adverbial
intensifier, 146, 304, 306; Clin-
ton's scores in, 304; creative or col-
orful expression, 147; direct refer-
ences, 146; emotion speech, 147,
150; explainer, 29—30, 145, 306;
expressions of feelings, 145; Hus-
sein's scores on, 347, 367-68; neg-
atives, 145; nonpersonal reference,
146-47; pronouns, 144—45, I 52 >
194—95, 368; qualifiers, 143—44,
303—4, 306, 368; retractors, 144,
303-4, 306; subject, 224-25; U.S.
presidents' scores in, 147, 148
Verbal facility, 112
Verbs in Context System (VICS):
Clinton's scores, 324-27; Holsti's
typology of, 231—33, 326, 327,
389, 390, 391; Hussein's scores,
388; index comparisons in, 244;
indices of, 226—31; method of,
215, 223-26
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