Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

We already explained why a no-carb diet is a bad idea—it
can increase the use of muscle tissue for energy, which, in turn,
produces toxins that make fat loss more difficult. Here’s another
reason directly related to your muscle mass: No-carb and low-
carb diets can cause your bodyparts to look flat because of
dehydration. Without enough carbohydrates your muscles have
a hard time filling with glycogen, and glycogen is what helps the
muscles hold more water so they’re bigger. It also provides the
muscles with energy for high-intensity muscle contractions in
the gym. If your muscles aren’t glycogen loaded, your workouts
are going to suck! Are you convinced yet that carbs aren’t evil?
There’s more...
How about the health consequences of no-carb or extremely
low-carb diets? If you cut your carbs to low levels you can’t
possibly get enough fruits and vegetables, which contain
phytonutrients that are necessary for optimal body functions
( c i t rus fruits alone contain more than 170 of those newl y
d i s c o v e red, very important nutrients). Oh, and not to mention
your diet will lack fiber that keeps the digestive tract moving
(constipation and hemorrhoids are no fun!). You probably won’t
enjoy the cloudy thinking that low-carb diets produce either.
( R e m e m b e r, carbs also fuel brain function. In fact, Sylvester
Stallone said that to become his slow, mumbling Rocky Balboa
character, he would go on a low-carb diet. “Adrian! Where’s the
The detrimental affects of extreme low-carb diets on the
brain also can cause depression. Low-carb eating re d u c e s
levels of serotonin, the hormone in the brain that keeps you
happy—so say re s e a rchers at MIT. Symptoms of depre s s i o n
can appear in as little as two weeks when carbs are severe l y
In general, decreasing one of the macronutrients—fat, protein
or carbohydrates—to abnormally low levels isn’t the way to go
for fat loss. You may lose weight, but in the case of low carbs
som e o f i t m ay be m us c le , wh ic h wi l l ju st ad d to y o ur
depression. (“I beat Mr. T, Adrian. Why am I so melancholy?”)

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