Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

Now to throw a monkey wrench into the mix: If you eat carbs
and have glucose circulating in your bloodstream, your body
has no reason to burn bodyfat; it chooses the circ u l a t i n g
glucose for energy first. After all that talk about how necessary
carbs are, now we tell you that every time you eat them, fat
burning stops. Now what?
One solution is carb stacking, in which you eat the majority
of your carbs in the morning and around your workout, when
they’re shuttled to muscle tissue rather than stored as bodyfat.
Combining c arb stacking w ith a six-meals-a -day eat ing
strategy can help minimize insulin and decrease fat storage
fast. Plus, you still get enough carbs for health and muscle
building, keeping those bodyparts full and powerful.
You gotta remember that carbohydrates increase blood
glucose levels, and that provides immediate energy for your
body, so there’s no reason to burn fat. The solution is to tailor
s om e o f you r m e al s la ter i n t h e d ay s o t h ey ’ re l ow i n
carbohydrates, stacking the majority of your carbs in the

Meal 1, 6 a.m.
Raisin Bran, 1 cup
All Bran, 1/2 cup
Orange juice, 1/2 cup
Lowfat milk, one cup, poured on
Coffee, 1 cup
Supplements: vitamin-and-
mineral caps, 1; Omega Stak, 2;
fruit-and-vegetable caps, 2
Meal 2, 9 a.m.
Muscle Meals meal replacement,
1 packet
Apple, 1
Meal 3, 11:45 a.m.
Broiled chicken, 8 ounces
Boiled egg, 1
Supplements: antioxidants, 2;
Omega Stak, 3

Meal 4, 2:30 p.m.
Pro-Fusion protein powder,
2 scoops in water
Caffeine-based fat burner, 1 cap
Cort-Bloc, 4 caps
Workout, 4 p.m.
Meal 5, 5:30 p.m.
Postworkout shake
RecoverX, 1 serving
CreaSol, 1 serving
Meal 6, 6:30 p.m.
Cottage cheese, 10 ounces
Salad with veggies, light dressing
Pro-Fusion, 1 scoop in water
Supplements: Omega Stak, 3
Calories: 2,
Protein: 205 grams (40 percent)
Fat: 65 grams (30 percent)
Carbs: 144 grams (30 percent)

Sample Carb-Stacking Diet
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