Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

So, yes, fast carbs can result in more fat storage—if you eat
them alone. However—and this is a big however—when you
combine them with other foods, specifically fat and/or fiber, the
speed at which your blood sugar is increased is significantly
reduced. You get more of a trickle effect into your bloodstream,
and a slower release of glucose means less insulin. Because of
that fact, we suggest you never eat carbs alone, especially
p rocessed carbs like candy. If you have to have sweets, eat
them with nuts or other fat-and-fiber food. Make them part of a
balanced meal. Even then, however, don’t eat too much. Small
meals are best—no more than 350 calories—and limit insulin
output. An insulin surge is only part of the problem with fast
carbs, however. The other is that many are more calorie dense,
usually because of significantly more carbs and/or fat. In other
words, you’ll get more potential fat storage from eating a candy
bar than an apple due to excess energy intake. Here’s proof: A
two-ounce milk chocolate bar has about 300 calories, while an
apple has about 75 calories, but because of its fiber content,
an apple is more filling (and healthier, of course). Do you still
want the candy? With more than three times the calories
(energy), you’re going to store more fat. But there is a way to
indulge with damage control.
If you have to have processed sugar, save it for your cheat
day. You’ll actually improve your ability to burn bodyfat instead
of impair it by easing up on your diet once a week, as you’ll see
in Chapter 4 (like we said, cheating is good—to a degree).

Your Best Carb Count to Banish Bodyfat
Keep in mind that the carb-stacking diet that’s listed is one
you would gradually move to, as around 2,000 calories is the
lowest level for safe,healthy fat loss (that total is around 1,
for a woman). We’ll have more on how to gradually reduce your
calories for continuous fat burn in the next chapter. At this point
understand that it’s not enough to get the right macronutrient
p e rcentages and stack your carbs. You also have to create a
calorie deficit—expend more energy than you take in—to lose

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