X-treme Lean Tip Sheet
No-carb or extremely low-carb diets are bad
ideas. They can cause everything from low energy to
flat muscles to impaired workout perf o rmance to
depression to ill health.
Carb stack, if possible.That means putting the
m ajori ty of your daily ca rbs in the mor ning, ca n
increase fat burning later in the day.
Think of carbs as energy.Getting fewer at a meal
than the energy you need before your next meal can
force your body to burn stored bodyfat for fuel.
4 )Always include plenty of carbs—and pro t e i n
too—i n the meal immediately following a
workout.If you don’t, your muscle repair and growth
may be impaired. Shoot for 60 grams of fast carbs and
40 grams of fast protein (whey).
5 ) N ev er ea t carb -on l y me als .C o m b i n a t i o n
(carb/protein/fat) meals slow down the speed at which
glucose enters your bloodstream. In other word s ,
combining carbs with other foods can prevent insulin
surges that can increase bodyfat storage—as long as
you don’t eat too much at one sitting (each meal
s ho u l d b e no mo re t h an 3 5 0 ca lo ri e s , e x ce p t
Try to choose natural carbs—like fruits and
vegetables—over processed carbs like sugary
c a n d y, cake and so on.P rocessed carbs are
calorie- and carb-dense and can stop fat burning and
cause fat deposition because of the excess energ y
t h ey sup p ly. Ge t ti n g y o u r ca r b a l lo t m en t f ro m
processed carbs as opposed to fruits and vegetables
c an al so cau s e h e al t h p ro b le m s due to la ck o f
vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.
Get 20 to 40 grams of protein at each of your
five to six meals a day.That will insure that muscle
building blocks are always readily available and signal
your body that it’s a-okay to add more muscle.