Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

was finally slowing everything down, including his ability to
burn fat. His body refused to let go of that last bit of blubber
that was blurring his muscularity.
While age may have had a little something to do with his
slowing metabolism, it was mostly due to his plummeting leptin
levels. His body was hording that last bit of fat.
Luckily, he figured it out in time and carbed up enough every
few days over the course of about two weeks before peak day,
and he showed up in ripped shape; however, he could’ve been
even more shredded had he cheated on Saturdays instead of
actually lowering his carbs. (He should’ve realized what was
going on when he started having wild fantasies about Betty
As for Jonathan, he did it right. He upped his carbs on the
w e e k e n d s — remembering to include those in his postworkout
drink in his calculations—and he even increased his carbs on
Wednesdays. That calorie-and-carb zig-zag maintained his
leptin levels and tightened up his physique quickly—he was
shredded on peak day. His Wednesday carb-up was especially
important due to his low-end carb intake—25 to 30 percent as
opposed to 35 to 40 percent for Steve. Jonathan increased his
carbs by about 50 to 80 grams on Wednesday; while Steve
rarely took in more carbs midweek.
Jonathan upped
his carbs two
days a week to
stabilize his
leptin levels, and
he peaked
perfectly. Steve
lowering his
carbs one day per
week, and almost
blew it. Luckily,
he realized his
mistake in time—
but he could’ve
been leaner.

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