Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

you train is an ideal use for it. You can also use it between
meals or with meals, if the meal needs more protein. And, yes,
women can and should use it too. As she outlined in Chapter 6,
Becky Holman used it every day during her transform a t i o n
program. One of her favorite between-meals snacks during that
time was chocolate Pro-Fusion in water with a tablespoon of
peanut butter. (She said that helped quash her cravings for
Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.)
As for after the workout, you can use Pro-Fusion then as
well. It’s best to mix it in fruit juice instead of water, as you need
carbs to replenish glycogen stores postworkout; however, we
recommend that you use a fast straight whey protein powder in
juice after you train, or, better yet, a postworkout-specific
s u ppl eme nt l i k e R e c ove rX. Wi th sp ec ia l ly f o rm u l a t e d
postworkout powders you get all fast protein (whey and
h y d rolyzed whey) and fast carbs, which is exactly what your
muscles need after a hard workout. Oh, yeah, women can and
sh o uld u se post wo rko u t dr in k s t oo. B ecky a lwa ys had
RecoverX after each of her three weekly workouts. We ’ re big
believers in RecoverX plus creatine after training. It’s why we
suggest the X Stack, which is RecoverX and CreaSol that you
mix, after every training session. The X Stack is available at

Q: I go to the gym with my husband. Is it okay for
me to work out with him on one of the programs in
your e-books and use X Reps, or will I get too big?
A :Work out with him as hard as you can—and include X
Reps to build muscle and burn fat. A woman’s horm o n a l
makeup prevents excessive muscle gain. You have more
e s t rogen and not a lot of testosterone, which means you’ll
never look like a male bodybuilder—not even close. You’ll just
get curves in all the right places.
What about those women bodybuilders you see? They all
take male hormones to make their bigger muscle possible.
Even many men have to supplement their male hormones to

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