Fat-Burning Diet and Nutrition Guide

(Frankie) #1

m o re “health insurance.” High-protein diets are known to be
acidic to the body and the alkalinity of the fruit and vegetable
powders can help. Acidosis of the blood can slow muscle
g rowth and fat loss, so be sure to get enough fruits and
ve gg ies. I f yo u c an ’t do tha t, t he n ext b e st thin g i s t o
supplement with capsules and powders.

Q: Currently I do four 30-minute sessions, one on
Saturday, one on Sunday and a session on each of my
leg days. Everyone I talk to says I should increase the
number of minutes so I can get into burning bodyfat
for energy. Should I do longer sessions?
A:A lot of studies say that fat burning during cardio doesn’t
begin till about 25 minutes in; however, you can speed that up

  1. Not eating any carbs a few hours prior to your session
    (have a small protein shake or a few amino acid capsules about
    an hour before to prevent muscle breakdown).

  2. Having a cup of coffee before (or something else that
    con tain s abo ut 1 00 m ill ig ram s o f ca ffein e) , a s c aff e i n e
    increases the use of fat substrates for energy.

  3. Doing your cardio after a weight-training workout, as the
    lifting will deplete your bloodstream of glucose and prime your
    body to shift to fat for energy during the low-intensity card i o
    that follows.
    You say you do cardio on leg days. New research suggests
    t h a t ’s not a good idea because it can interrupt leg-muscle
    recovery if you do it after your workout. A better plan is to do it
    on the same day, but do it at low intensity before the workout
    as a warmup. Or you can do it after if you wait at least 30
    minutes—later in the day would probably be better. Doing
    c a rdio immediately after an upper-body workout, however, is
    fine and will allow you to tap into bodyfat sooner.
    As for your weekend cardio, try not eating carbs before you
    do it and having a small protein shake (one scoop) 30 minutes
    to an hour before. You can also bump up the amount of cardio

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