Pencil Sketching, 2nd Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

Trees are probably the most important landscape elements
of all, as well as the most difficult to sketch. This is
because a tree is a living organism and it grows and
changes in the course of time. Some trees shed their
leaves in winter, and some trees flower in spring. So sea-
sonal differences can alter a tree’s appearance; but so can
wind, snow, and ice. The species of tree can dictate the
branching structure, and thus the entire appearance, with
or without leaves. Individual trees with plenty of room to
grow look different from trees found in a group setting.
The trunk of an older tree often reveals the crackling of
the bark as well as broken or twisted branches near the
base of the canopy. Often, a portion of the roots at the
base of the trunk is revealed as the soil near it is slowly
eroded away. These characteristics are a result of careful
observation and recording. Every artist should have his or
her own way of observing and looking out for details and
special features. They must also find a personal way of
recording the results. Recording is how sketching begins.

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