Mastering Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

(Romina) #1

Chapter 3

Virtual Networking

This chapter covers the networking elements that enable virtual machines to
communicate with each other and with the rest of your environment. Features that
are specific to virtual machines are covered, as well as network technologies in the
operating system that can bring additional benefit.

Windows 2012 introduced network virtualization, which started to close the
remaining gap between virtualization and the goal of complete abstraction of the
virtual machine from the underlying fabric. This goal is fully realized with version 2,
introduced in Windows Server 2016. Network virtualization allows virtual machines to
be abstracted from the physical network fabric, allowing complete isolation between
virtual networks and the ability to use IP schemes independently of the physical
network fabric. This technology is covered in detail, along with all of the various
options available to you.

In this chapter, you will learn to:

Architect   the right   network design  for your    Hyper-V hosts   and virtual machines    by
using the options available.
Identify when to use the types of gateways.
Leverage SCVMM for many networking tasks.
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