Figure 5.8 Server Management Tools instance in Azure with tools available
Enabling the Hyper-V Role
When the operating system has been installed on a server and has been patched, the
next step is to enable the Hyper-V role. Because your server will be running at the
Server Core configuration level, there is no local way graphically to install the Hyper-V
role; instead, PowerShell can be leveraged:
Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -Restart
Notice that I am not including the -IncludeManagementTools switch, because the
management tools cannot install on Server Core and would require a change in the
configuration level. The server will reboot, and the Hyper-V hypervisor will be loaded
on the bare-metal hardware and ready for use. The next step would be to start
managing through SCVMM, creating virtual switches, virtual machines, and so on.
The Hyper-V role can also be enabled using Server Manager from a remote Windows
10 machine that has the RSAT installed or from another Windows Server 2016 server
that has the management tools installed. The process to enable using Server Manager