Figure 7.3 Viewing the block blobs used in an Azure storage account for the cloud
To modify the witness configuration for a cluster, perform the following steps:
1 . In Failover Cluster Manager, select the main cluster object in the navigation pane.
2 . From More Actions, select Configure Cluster Quorum Settings.
3 . Click Next on the introduction page of the wizard.
4 . Select the Select The Quorum Witness option and click Next. Note also the option
Use Default Quorum Configuration, which allows the cluster to configure witness
configuration automatically, as it would during the initial cluster creation process.
5 . Select the option to use a disk witness, file share witness, cloud witness, or no
witness (never recommended) and then click Next.
6 . Depending on the option selected, you now must select the disk witness, file share,
or if using a cloud witness, the Azure storage account name and the primary or
secondary storage account access key and then click Next.
7 . Click Next on the remaining pages to complete the quorum configuration.
This can also be configured using PowerShell with one of the following commands,
depending on your desired quorum configuration:
Set-ClusterQuorum -NoWitness (Don’t do this.)
Set-ClusterQuorum -DiskWitness "<disk resource name>"
Set-ClusterQuorum -FileShareWitness "<file share name>"
Set-ClusterQuorum -CloudWitness -AccountName <storage account name> -
AccessKey <access key>
Set-ClusterQuorum -DiskOnly "<disk resource name>" (Don’t do this either.)
You never want two or even three additional votes. The entire point of the witness
vote is to provide an additional vote if you have an even number of votes caused
by an even number of nodes.