Figure 7.35 Enabling Live Migration for a stand-alone Hyper-V host
By default, CredSSP is used for the security between the source and target Hyper-V
host, but there is another configuration option, known as constrained delegation,
which I cover later.
Live Storage Move
Windows Server 2012 introduced the ability to move the storage of a virtual machine
without having to shut down the virtual machine first, sometimes call Live Storage
Move or Storage Migration.
Windows Server 2012 supports three main types of storage for virtual machines:
direct attached; SAN based, such as storage connected via Fibre Channel or iSCSI; and
new to Windows Server 2012 was support for SMB 3 file shares such as those hosted
on a Windows Server 2012 file server or any NAS/SAN that has SMB 3 support.
Windows Server 2012 Storage Migration allows the storage used by a virtual machine,
which includes its configuration and virtual hard disks, to be moved between any
supported storage with zero downtime to the virtual machine. This could be migration
just to a different folder on the same disk, between LUNs on the same SAN, from
direct attached to a SAN, from a SAN to a SMB file share—it doesn’t matter. If the
storage is supported by Hyper-V, virtual machines can be moved with no downtime. It
should be noted that storage migration cannot move nonvirtualized storage, which
means if a virtual machine is using pass-through storage, that cannot be moved. The
good news is that with the new VHDX format, which allows 64TB virtual disks, there
really is no reason to use pass-through storage anymore from a size or performance