Mastering Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V

(Romina) #1

The Bottom Line

Articulate  the reasons to  use containers. Containers  provide many    benefits
including fast provisioning, high density and a prescriptive method to deploy
applications in different environments leading to consistent and repeatable
deployments. Containers also leverage repositories providing a simple way to
obtain images and share images to be used during implementations.
Explain the differences between Windows containers and Hyper-V
containers. Windows containers provide a user-mode level of isolation from
other containers. Hyper-V containers run the Windows container in a dedicated,
utility VM that is automatically managed and provides kernel-mode-level isolation
from other containers.
Master It When would Hyper-V containers be used over Windows containers?
Manage Containers. Containers are managed using the docker CLI. While a
PowerShell module is available this module utilizes the Docker REST API and the
same management structure as the docker CLI. This means management
performed either with the docker CLI or PowerShell is working on a single
management platform.
Master It Can Linux applications run on Windows containers?
Master It Can the Docker client on Windows manage Linux containers
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