Esperanza Rising

(evilla1) #1

way, those recollections will be there when you’re ready to
reflect or write about them, if you’re so inclined.

Q: What do you do when you’re not writing? Do you crochet?
A: Iread, go for walks, go to the movies, and get together with
friends and family. I do normal things like shopping for gro-
ceries and paying bills. I do crochet but it’s usually simple
things like scarves or baby blankets for a gift for someone.

Q: Do you have a favorite object in your house? What is it and what
makes it special?
A: My dad restores old trunks—the antique steamer type of
trunks. He takes them apart, piece by piece, polishes, paints,
and lines them with cedar and old-fashioned wallpaper.
They’re spectacular. I have four in my home and all of my chil-
dren have their own. What makes them special is the time he
put into them for us.

Q: Do you have a writing routine? If so, what are some of your
writing habits?
A: When I’m working on a book, especially a novel, I’ll get up
early, make coffee, eat breakfast, and head straight for the
computer. My office is in an extra bedroom of our home. I’ll
often work straight through until about 2:00, with several
trips to the kitchen for snacks and drinks. I always feel more
creative and energetic during the early part of the day and feel
less so in the afternoons. I’m definitely a morning person. I
hear other authors talk about staying up until 2:00 or 3:00 in
the morning and I can’t imagine doing that. I almost always

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