Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


High-Yield Facts

Clinical Points
page 103
page 104

Important Vertebral Landmarks
Spine of the scapula T2:
Sternal angle (of Louis); level of the bifurcation of trachea, arch T4/T5: of aorta
Level of the heart T5-T8:
Aortic hiatus of the diaphragm; also transmits the thoracic duct T12:
Esophageal hiatus of the diaphragm; also transmits the right and left T10: vagal trunks, esophageal branches of left gastric vessels and
Caval opening of the diaphragm; also terminal branches of the right T8: phrenic nerve

Thoracocentesis is the insertion of a needle into the pleural cavity to withdraw a sample of fluid or blood. To avoid damage to the intercostal
vein, artery, and nerve that run in the costal groove on the inferior surface of each rib, the needle is inserted well below the rib. The needle
also must be placed sufficiently above the rib below to avoid the collateral branches of intercostal nerve and vessels that run along the
superior surface of each rib.

Importance of Certain Intercostal Spaces
Second intercostal space at the midclavicular line: Insertion of tube for an apical pneumothorax (thoracostomy)
Fourth to 6th intercostal space at the midaxillary line: Insertion of chest drains for a hemothorax (thoracostomy)
Left 5th intercostal space: apex beat of the heart and this is shifted in heart enlargement

Cervical Ribs
Cervical ribs are not common (less than 1% of all persons). They articulate with the C7 vertebra, but do not attach to the sternum. They may
fuse with the first rib. If a cervical rib is present, however, it may compress the subclavian artery or inferior trunk of the brachial plexus and
cause ischemic pain and numbness in the shoulder and upper limb. This condition is called thoracic outlet syndrome.

Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration.
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy help diagnose many blood disorders and can be used to detect if cancer has spread to the bone
Bone marrow biopsy: The removal of bone and marrow for examination under the microscope. The sternum is a site of red marrow,
even in adulthood, and is a good site for a bone marrow biopsy. Another common site is the posterior iliac crest. A biopsy is usually
conducted before performing a bone marrow aspiration.
Bone marrow aspiration: The removal of a small amount of bone marrow fluid through a needle inserted into the bone. Fluid is
examined to determine if there are any problems with the blood cells made in the bone marrow


Memory Aids

Vertical order of the contents of the neurovascular bundle in the costal groove on the lower border of each rib:

VAN Vein, Artery, Nerve.

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