Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Autonomic plexuses
a. Contain preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers, postganglionic sympathetic fibers, sympathetic
ganglia (prevertebral), and visceral afferent fibers
b. Some named for major blood vessels (periarterial): celiac, superior mesenteric, inferior mesenteric, intermesenteric,
c. Superior hypogastric plexus-continuous with inferior mesenteric and intermesenteric plexuses at aortic bifurcation

Internal features of anterior abdominal wall

[Plate 250, Veins of Anterior Abdominal Wall]

page 135
page 136

Lined by parietal peritoneum
Has five peritoneal folds, inferior to the umbilicus
Median umbilical fold
Extends in the midline from the bladder to the umbilicus
Represents the remnant of the urachus
Medial umbilical folds (two)
One on either side of median umbilical fold
Represent remnants of umbilical arteries
Lateral umbilical folds (two)
One on either lateral side of the medial umbilical folds
Over the inferior epigastric vessels
Peritoneal fossae are formed between the umbilical folds:
Supravesical fossae: between the median and medial folds
Medial inguinal fossae: between the medial and lateral folds
Lateral inguinal fossae:
Lateral to lateral folds
Site of deep inguinal ring (beneath peritoneum)
Falciform ligament
A sharp-edged fold of peritoneum
Extends between peritoneum of the abdominal wall above the umbilicus and the liver
Contains the round ligament of the liver (ligamentum teres hepatis: remnant of the umbilical vein)
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