Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Vascular supply (Section 4-6: Abdomen-Visceral Vasculature)
Left gastric from celiac trunk
Right gastric from common hepatic artery
Right gastroepiploic (gastro-omental) from proper hepatic or gastroduodenal arteries
Left gastroepiploic from splenic artery
Short gastric arteries (four to five) from distal splenic artery
Follow the arteries
Right and left gastrics drain to portal vein
Short gastrics and left gastroepiploic drain into splenic vein → superior mesenteric vein (SMV) → portal vein
Right gastroepiploic drains to SMV
Follow the arteries
Drain into gastric, gastroepiploic, pancreaticosplenic, and pyloric nodes
Innervation (Section 4-7: Abdomen-Innervation)
Parasympathetic supply
From anterior and posterior vagal trunks
Increase peristalsis and relax pyloric sphincter
Sympathetic supply
From T6-T9 spinal cord segments via great splanchnic nerve to celiac plexus
Inhibit peristalsis and contract pyloric sphincter


[Plate 271, Mucosa and Musculature of Duodenum]

page 143
page 144

First and shortest part of small intestine
Follows a C-shaped course around the head of the pancreas
Consists of four parts (parts 2 through 4 are retroperitoneal)
Superior (first) part: anterolateral to body of L1
Ascends from pylorus
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