[Plate 286, Arteries of Duodenum and Head of Pancreas]
page 153
page 154
Celiac trunk
Arises at T12
Lower one third of esophagus
First and second parts of duodenum
Biliary system
Left gastric artery
Common hepatic artery
Splenic artery
Left gastric artery
Supplies distal esophagus and lesser curvature of stomach
Anastomosis with right gastric artery
Splenic artery
Supplies body of pancreas and spleen directly
a. Left gastroepiploic: supplies left side of greater curvature of stomach, anastomoses with right gastroepiploic
b. Short gastric arteries: supply fundus of stomach
Common hepatic artery
Extends retroperitoneally to the right to reach hepatoduodenal ligament
Divides into gastroduodenal and proper hepatic arteries
Gastroduodenal artery branches:
a. Superior pancreaticoduodenal supplying the head of pancreas and proximal duodenum
b. Right gastroepiploic artery supplying right side of greater curvature of stomach
Proper hepatic branches:
a. Right and left hepatic arteries to right and left lobes of liver