Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
page 154
page 155

Inferior phrenic arteries
First branches of abdominal aorta (or from celiac trunk)
Supply inferior surface of diaphragm
Give rise to six to eight superior suprarenal arteries on either side
Middle suprarenal arteries
One or more on either side
Originate from aorta near origin of celiac trunk
Renal arteries
Arise at level of L1/L2 intervertebral disc
Right renal artery longer and passes posterior to inferior vena cava (IVC)
Divide close to hilum into five segmental end arteries
Gonadal arteries
Arise inferior to renal arteries but superior to inferior mesenteric
May arise at different levels on either side
Run anterior to ureters, cross origin of external iliac vessels in suspensory ligament of ovary and enter broad ligament
Divide into ovarian and tubal branches to supply ovary and uterine tube
Branches anastomose with correspondingly named branches of uterine artery
Lumbar arteries
Usually four pairs
Given off from posterior aspect of aorta
Each gives off a dorsal branch
Supplies musculature of back
Gives off a spinal branch to vertebral column and spinal roots
Rest of artery supplies anterolateral abdominal wall
Common iliac arteries
Formed by bifurcation of aorta at level of iliac crest (slightly below level of umbilicus)
Follow medial borders of psoas muscle to pelvic brim
Bifurcate into internal and external iliac arteries at pelvic brim
Supply pelvic viscera and lower limb

Venous Drainage (Section 4-2: Abdomen-Body Wall)
page 155
page 156

Veins draining the abdominal viscera are tributaries of one of two venous systems
Inferior vena cava
Portal vein
No vein equivalent to celiac trunk or gastroduodenal vein
Splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein unite to form the portal vein
Tributaries of the splenic vein
Inferior mesenteric vein and its tributaries (left colic, sigmoid, superior rectal)
Pancreatic veins
Left gastroepiploic vein
Short gastric veins
Tributaries of the superior mesenteric vein
Inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein
Right gastroepiploic vein
Right colic vein
Ileocolic vein
Jejunal veins
Ileal veins
Veins draining directly into portal vein
Cystic vein
Superior pancreaticoduodenal
Left and right gastric veins also may
Tributaries of the IVC
Common iliac veins
Lumbar veins
Enter IVC in irregular pattern
Second lumbar vein may enter left renal vein
Anastomose with tributaries of epigastric veins
Are connected to each other on either side by a vertical anastomotic channel, the ascending lumbar vein
Ascending lumbar veins connect with azygos vein on the right and hemiazygos vein on the left
Right gonadal vein (left drains to left renal vein)
Right and left renal veins
Right suprarenal vein (left drains to left renal vein)
Right inferior phrenic vein (left drains to left renal vein)
Hepatic veins
Two to three in number
Empty into IVC just below diaphragm
Blood from the hepatic portal vein constitutes approximately 70% of the liver's blood supply

Lymphatic Drainage (Section 4-2: Abdomen-Body Wall and Section 4-4: Abdomen-Viscera (Gut) and 4-5: Abdomen-Viscera
(Accessory Organs) for specific organs)

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