Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
[Plate 351, Male and Female Cystourethrograms]


Cross pelvic brim at the level of sacroiliac joint, anterior to the bifurcation common iliac artery to pierce the posterior surface of the bladder
Enters the posterolateral surface of the bladder and runs obliquely through the bladder wall, creating a flap valve
In males: the ureter passes under the ductus deferens, superior to the seminal vesicles
In women: the ureter descends posterior to the ovary and into the base of the broad ligament passing under the uterine artery ("water under
the bridge")
Supplied by branches of common and internal iliac arteries and uterine artery (inferior vesicle artery in males) and drained by veins with
same names.
Innervated by fibers from adjacent autonomic plexuses

Urinary Bladder

General structure

Lies posterior to pubic bones and pubic symphysis
When empty is tetrahedron in shape and lies entirely within true pelvic cavity; spherical when full and may reach as high as umbilicus
When empty has a base (posterior surface) and a superior and two inferolateral surfaces.
Base (posterior surface) of bladder defined internally by two ureteric openings at superolateral corners and internal urethral opening
Triangular area defined by these openings is the vesicle trigone
Ridge between two urethral openings is the interureteric fold
Neck of bladder is where base and inferolateral sides meet, inferiorly
Anterior angle or apex is site of attachment of urachus-fibrous remnant of fetal allantois, which is seen as the median umbilical ligament on
the anterior abdominal wall
Bladder wall is composed of a thick layer of interwoven bundles of smooth muscle running transversely, longitudinally, and obliquely-
detrusor muscle
In region of neck, detrusor muscle runs circularly as involuntary internal sphincter
Bladder mucosa is thrown into rugae except within trigone, which is smooth

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