Fascial Layers of Neck
Superficial fascia
Between dermis and investing layer of deep fascia
Cutaneous nerves and vessels
Platysma muscle anteriorly
Deep fascia
Consists of three layers
Also includes carotid sheath: condensation of deep fascia around carotid vessels
Investing layer of deep fascia
Surrounds entire neck, beneath superficial fascia
Inferior attachments
Superior border clavicle
Spine scapula
Superior attachments
Superior nuchal line
Zygomatic arches
Angle mandible
Mastoid process
Spinous processes of cervical vertebrae
Splits to enclose sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles
Encloses parotid and submandibular glands
Forms roof of anterior and posterior triangles neck
Pretracheal fascia
Only in anterior neck, from hyoid bone to fibrous pericardium
Invests infrahyoid muscles
Visceral layer invests
Thyroid and parathyroid glands
Attaches inferiorly to adventitia of great vessels
Attaches superiorly
Thyroid cartilage
Buccopharyngeal fascia of pharynx
Blends laterally with carotid sheath
Prevertebral fascia
Sheath for C1-T3 vertebrae and associated muscles
Longus colli and capitis
Anterior, middle, and posterior scalenes
Deep cervical muscles
Described as having two laminae: anterior and posterior
Superior attachment of both laminae to base of skull
Inferior attachment
Anterior lamina to anterior longitudinal ligament and posterior esophagus anteriorly
Posterior lamina to fascia over thoracic vertebral column posteriorly
Extends laterally as axillary sheath around axillary artery and brachial plexus
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Carotid sheath
Condensation of fascia around great vessels of the neck
Extends from base of skull to root of neck
United medially with prevertebral fascia
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve (CN X)
Deep cervical lymph nodes
Sympathetic fibers
Communicates inferiorly with mediastinum
Facial spaces
Retropharyngeal space
Largest and most significant space in neck
Potential space between prevertebral layer of deep fascia and buccopharyngeal fascia
From base of skull to posterior mediastinum