Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
page 187

Central perineal tendon (perineal body) (Same as male)

Located at midpoint of the line dividing the urogenital from anal triangles
Mass of collagenous and elastic fibers
Deep to skin
Anterior to anal canal
Posterior to bulb of the penis (male) or vestibule (female)
Site of attachment for
Superficial transverse perineal muscles
Deep transverse perineal muscles
External anal sphincter
Fascicles of muscle from external sphincter urethrae and levator ani

Perineal membrane

Everything same as male, except
Sphincter urethrae (external urethral sphincter)
May exist in females
Some fibers extending to the ischiopubic rami (compressor urethrae) and some encircling the vagina as well
Pierced by vagina and urethra

Fascia and spaces of the urogenital triangle

Everything same as male, except
Superficial perineal space (pouch)
Between membranous layer of superficial fascia and perineal membrane
Crura of clitoris and associated muscles
Bulbs of vestibule and associated muscles
Superficial transverse perineal muscles
Branches of internal pudendal vessels and pudendal nerves
Greater vestibular glands
Deep perineal space (pouch)
Lies between perineal membrane and pelvic diaphragm
Ischioanal fossae extend anteriorly into this space
Proximal part of urethra
External sphincter urethrae muscle
Deep transverse perineal muscles
Vessels and nerves

Female External Genitalia

Anatomical features
page 187
page 188

Female external genitalia collectively called the vulva
Female external genitalia include
Mons pubis
Labia majora
Labia minora
Vestibule of vagina
Bulbs of vestibule
Greater vestibular glands
Mons pubis
Fatty tissue lying anterior to pubic symphysis and superior pubic rami
Skin continuous with anterior abdominal wall
After puberty is covered with pubic hair
Labia majora
Longitudinal folds of skin containing fat, smooth muscle, and termination of round ligament of uterus
Lie on either side of pudendal cleft
Externally contain sebaceous glands and are covered by pubic hair
Internally are smooth and hairless
Unite anteriorly as the anterior commissure
Form a posterior commissure posteriorly, which disappears after childbirth
Labia minora
Longitudinal folds of hairless skin without fat enclosed by labia majora
Surrounds vestibule of vagina
Extend from clitoris around urethra and vagina
Meet anteriorly as a small fold = frenulum of the clitoris, which passes deep to the clitoris
Posteriorly unite as frenulum (fourchette)
Region enclosed by labia minora
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