High-Yield Facts
Clinical Points
Urethral rupture may occur spontaneously, or occur as a result of external (fractures of the pelvis, penetrating injury) or internal (following
catheterization or instrumentation) trauma.
Site of urethral rupture determines where urine will extravasate
The superficial perineal fascia is continuous with the deep membranous layer of the superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall. If
there is disruption of the spongy urethra, urine may extravasate into the superficial perineal pouch and ascend up the anterior abdominal
wall beneath the deep membranous layer. It will not extend into the anal triangle, because the superficial perineal fascia is tacked down to
the perineal membrane along its posterior margin. It will not extend into the thigh because the superficial perineal fascia is tacked down to
superomedial fascia lata of the thigh.
Penile trauma is rare. Rupture of the tunica albuginea and bleeding into the deep fascia can result in swelling of the penis.
Memory Aids
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) "Very Nervous People Hesitate and Disappoint"