Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


Pelvis and Perineum: Vasculature

Pelvic Vasculature

[Plate 383, Arteries and Veins of Pelvis: Male]

Arterial supply to the pelvis

Four arteries supply the true or lesser pelvis and its contents
Paired internal iliac arteries
Paired ovarian arteries
Medial sacral artery
Superior rectal artery
Main arterial supply is from branches internal iliac artery
Medial sacral artery from abdominal aorta supplies lower lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, and coccyx
Superior rectal artery (branch inferior mesenteric artery) supplies upper region of rectum
Ovarian arteries (from abdominal aorta) supply the ovaries, descending in the suspensory ligament of the ovary
Internal iliac artery
One of two terminal branch common iliac arteries (other is external iliac)
Common iliac bifurcates anterior to sacroiliac joint
Internal iliac artery is crossed by ureter at its origin
Passes posteromedially into the true pelvis beneath the peritoneum, giving off branches to the buttocks, thigh, perineum, and pelvic
viscera. Usually ends at the level of the superior edge of the greater sciatic foramen by dividing into anterior and posterior divisions

Branches of Internal Iliac Artery and Structures Supplied

Visceral VesselsStructures Supplied Comment
Umbilical artery Superior urinary bladder via
superior vesical
Artery to ductus deferens in males

From anterior division of internal iliac
Obliterates and becomes median umbilical ligament

Superior vesical

Superior urinary bladder
Ureter in pelvis

From proximal part of umbilical
Branch given to ductus deferens
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