anastomoses with the uterine artery (a branch of the
internal iliac artery)
and left renal vein on the left
Uterine tube Ovarian artery from abdominal aorta, which
anastomoses with the uterine artery (a branch of the
internal iliac artery)
Ovarian vein drains to inferior vena cava on the right
and left renal vein on the left
Uterus Branches of ovarian artery (from the aorta), uterine
and vaginal arteries (from the internal iliac artery)
Ovarian vein (see ovary), uterine and vaginal veins
(drain to the internal iliac veins)
Lymphatic drainage of the pelvis
Lymphatic vessels accompany arteries
Most lymph drains to internal iliac nodes and then to common iliac nodes
The ovaries, testes, and rectum drain to aortic nodes
Some vessels from body of the uterus drain to superficial inguinal nodes, following the round ligament of the uterus
Perineal Vasculature
Arterial supply of the perineum
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Mainly from internal pudendal artery (branch internal iliac artery)
Supplies muscles and skin of anal and urogenital triangles, erectile bodies of perineum
Internal pudendal artery
Passes through greater sciatic foramen inferior to the piriformis muscle
Loops around the sacrospinous ligament
Enter the lesser sciatic foramen to reach the ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa and perineum
Traverses the fossa in the pudendal (Alcock's) canal
Gives off branches before entering the canal and in pudendal canal
Medial to ischial tuberosity, terminates as deep and dorsal arteries of penis (or clitoris)
Branches of Internal Pudendal Artery Supplying Perineum
Branch Structure Supplied Comment
Inferior rectal artery Anal canal
Posterior scrotal (labial) artery Scrotum (labia in females)
Branch to bulb of penis Bulb of penis (vestibule in females)
Branch to crus of penis Crus of penis (clitoris in females)
Dorsal artery of penis (clitoris) Erectile tissue corpus cavernosum Smaller artery in females
Deep artery of the penis (clitoris) Erectile tissue corpus cavernosus Smaller artery in females
Venous drainage of the perineum
Branches of internal pudendal artery accompanied by venae comitantes
Drain into internal iliac vein
Lymphatic drainage of the perineum
Penis and vulva drain to the superficial inguinal nodes