Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


Upper Limb: Arm

[Plate 423, Arm: Serial Cross Sections]


Largest bone of the upper limb
Osteological features
Anatomical neck-circumscribes head above tubercles
Surgical neck: below tubercles-common site of fracture
Greater and lesser tubercles
Intertubercular groove
Body with
Deltoid tuberosity for attachment of deltoid muscle
Radial groove on posterior surface where radial nerve and deep brachial artery traverse
Medial and lateral supracondylar ridges-widening of humerus distally as sharp ridges on either side
Medial epicondyle
Prominent medial extension at distal end
Common origin of forearm flexors; ulnar nerve posterior
Lateral epicondyle
Prominent lateral extension at distal end
Common origin of forearm extensors; radial nerve posterior
Condyle-distal end of humerus
Medial articular surface of condyle
For articulation with trochlear notch of ulna
Lateral articular surface of condyle
For articulation with head of radius
Coronoid fossa (see also Section 6-4: Upper Limb: Elbow and Forearm)
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