Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


High-Yield Facts

Clinical Points

Nasal Obstruction
Can occur either acutely or be longer in duration-chronic
Causes include: large adenoids (in children), tumors, a deviated septum, or foreign bodies.
Patient may complain of snoring, abnormal speech, or breathing difficulties when eating

Clinical Points
page 28
page 29

Common because of rich vascular supply to nose
In younger people occurs in the Little's area-where convergence of anterior ethmoidal artery, septal branches of sphenopalatine and
superior labial arteries and greater palatine artery
In older people can be related to hypertension
Treatment involves identifying the source of bleeding and stopping the bleeding by direct pressure, packing the nose or cautery.

Clinical Points

Paranasal sinuses may become infected via continuity with nasal cavities
Inflammation and swelling of mucosa lining sinus
Can be acute or chronic
Bacterial infection usually follows a viral infection
Patient may complain of pain, nasal discharge, blocked nose, postnasal drip, and fever
Acute sinusitis is usually self-limiting
Chronic may require antibiotics and if recurrent sinus surgery


Memory Aids

Nasal Cavity: To help remember the parts of the nasal cavity
Never Call Me Needle Nose
Nares (external)
Nares (internal)
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