Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
[Plate 58, Tongue]

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Highly mobile organ composed largely of muscle
Main functions
Pressing food into the pharynx during swallowing
Assisting in the formation of words during speech
External features of the tongue anterior to sulcus terminalis
Posterior one third
Attached to hyoid bone and mandible
Body: anterior two thirds
Apex or tip: pointed or rounded anterior end
Dorsum of tongue
V-shaped groove: sulcus terminalis
a. Divides tongue into oral and pharyngeal parts
b. Apex points to foramen cecum
Foramen cecum
a. Small pit
b. Remnant of embryonic thyroglossal duct
Numerous papillae of different types
Lingual papillae
a. Anterior to sulcus terminalis
b. Large and flat-topped
c. Have taste buds
a. Small folds on lateral side of tongue
b. Have taste buds
a. Numerous and mainly arranged in rows parallel to sulcus terminalis
b. Sensitive to touch

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