Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Lower border corresponds to level of C6 vertebra
C6 vertebral level
Junction of larynx and trachea
Junction of pharynx and esophagus
Level at which inferior and middle thyroid arteries enter the thyroid gland
Vertebral artery (first branch subclavian artery) enters foramen transversarium of C6 transverse process to ascend to brain through
successively higher foramina
Superior belly of omohyoid muscle crosses carotid sheath
Level of middle cervical sympathetic ganglion
Carotid artery can be compressed and palpated against transverse process C
Isthmus of thyroid gland overlies second and third tracheal cartilages
Jugular (suprasternal) notch
Concave center of superior border of manubrium
Between medial ends of clavicles

Other Landmarks in the Neck

Thin, broad sheet of muscle within superficial fascia of the neck
A muscle of facial expression, tensing the skin
Draws corners of mouth down, as in a grimace, and depresses mandible
External jugular vein
Deep to platysma, descends from angle to mandible to midpoint of clavicle
Useful for assessment of venous filling with patient sitting at 45 degrees
Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
Key landmark of neck
Divides neck into anterior and posterior triangles (Section 1-4: Head and Neck - Neck)
Sternal head attaches to manubrium of sternum
Clavicular head attaches to superior middle third of clavicle
Can be seen and palpated when acting unilaterally to flex and rotate head and neck to one side, so that ear approaches shoulder
and chin turns in the opposite direction

Landmarks of the Face

Smooth midline prominence on the frontal bone
Located above the root of the nose, between supraorbital margins
Zygomatic arch
Forms prominence of cheek
Can palpate superficial temporal artery at lateral end
Prone to fractures in facial trauma
Mastoid process
Bony prominence behind external acoustic meatus
Site of proximal attachment sternocleidomastoid muscle
Inion-prominent point of external occipital protuberance at back of head
Auricle-part of external ear
Skin-covered cartilage, except for lobule
Features include: pinna; tragus; antitragus and helix
External nose
Skeleton mainly cartilaginous
Dorsum extends from root to apex
Inferior surface has two openings or nares (nostrils)
Bounded laterally by alae of nose
Separated by skin over nasal septum
Philtrum-midline infranasal depression of upper lip
Masseter muscle
Felt over ramus of mandible when teeth are clenched
Parotid duct can be palpated at medial border (duct opens over second molar inside cheek)
Temporalis muscle can be felt above zygomatic arch when teeth clenched
Facial artery can be palpated over lower margin body of mandible in line with a point one fingerbreadth lateral to the angle of the mouth
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