Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1



Clinical Points

Baker's Cyst
Posterior herniation of the synovial membrane through the joint capsule into the popliteal fossa
Swelling appears below joint line and may extend as far as the midcalf
Large swellings may interfere with knee movements but otherwise asymptomatic

Inflammation of the bursa surrounding the knee because of repeated frictional forces
In chronic inflammation, bursae become distended and filled with fluid
Prepatellar bursitis (housemaid's knee) and infrapatellar bursitis (clergyman's knee) are most recognized variants

Knee Injury
Knee injuries common, as the knee joint has little external supportive tissue
Ligament sprains usually self-limiting, but may cause secondary damage to menisci
Tearing of the ligaments often needs surgical correction
Rupture of anterior cruciate ligament occurs when force is directed anteriorly to the semi-flexed knee, typically occurring in skiers and
Posterior cruciate ligament is more resilient to injury, but may rupture when force is applied to the tibial tuberosity while the knee is flexed
Collateral ligaments are vulnerable to lateral stresses


Memory Aids

Knock-knee and Bowleg: Genu valgum vs. Genu vargum
Knock-knee: Genu valgum
Genu valGUM-knees are GUMmed together
Bowleg: Genu vargum
Genu VARgum-VAR rhymes with far-knees are VAR (far) apart
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