Lower Limb: Ankle and Foot
Ankle Joint (Talocrural Joint)
[Plate 514, Ankle: Radiographs]
Uniaxial, synovial, hinge type joint
Articulation between tibia (medial malleolus), fibula (lateral malleolus), and talus
Distal ends of tibia and fibula form a mortise
Trochlea of talus fits into mortise
Malleoli grip talus
Produced by muscles of anterior compartment of leg
Limited by triceps surae
More stable when dorsiflexed
Plantarflexion-produced by muscles of posterior compartment of leg
Some rotation, abduction, and adduction of joint possible in plantar flexion
Supported by strong collateral ligament
Attached to tibia and malleoli superiorly and talus inferiorly
Lateral consists of three parts
Anterior talofibular-from lateral malleolus to neck of talus
Posterior talofibular-from malleolar fossa to lateral tubercle of talus
Calcaneofibular-from tip of lateral malleolus to lateral calcaneus
Medial or deltoid
Strong ligament
Originates on medial malleolus
Fibers can be identified as