[Plate 513, Calcaneus]
26 in number
Tarsal bones (7)
Has head, neck, body with trochlea, posterior, and lateral processes
Articulates with fibula, calcaneus, and navicular
Has no muscular attachments
Head rests on lateral projection of calcaneus-sustentaculum tali
Wider anteriorly making the ankle more stable in dorsiflexion
Largest and strongest bone
Posterior prominence-calcaneal tuberosity-with medial, lateral, and anterior tubercles
Articulates with the talus and cuboid
Transmits body weight from talus to ground
Lateral projection-sustentaculum tali-supports talar head
Flattened bone with inferomedial tuberosity
Located between talar head and three cuneiform bones
Inferolateral groove for tendon of peroneus longus
Most lateral bone in distal row of tarsals
Cuneiform (3)
Medial, intermediate and lateral
Each articulates with navicular posteriorly and base of related metatarsal anteriorly
Lateral articulates with cuboid
Metatarsals (5)
Have base (proximal), body, and head (distal)
Bases articulate with cuneiform and cuboid bones
Head articulates with proximal phalanges
Medial and lateral sesamoid bones on plantar surface of first metatarsal in plantar ligament
Phalanges (14)
Great toe (hallux) has two-proximal and distal