Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1

Plantar surfaces of
cuboid and lateral

Divides in two, to each side of
base of proximal phalanx of
first toe

Third Layer Medial plantar
nerve (S1-S2)

Flexes proximal phalanx of
first toe


Oblique head: bases
of second through
fourth metatarsals
Transverse head:
Ligaments of

Lateral side, base of proximal
phalanx of first toe (both heads)

Third Layer Deep branch of
lateral plantar
nerve (S2-S3)

Adducts first toe, maintains
transverse arch

Flexor digiti

Base of fifth

Base of proximal phalanx of
fifth toe

Third Layer Superficial
branch, lateral
plantar nerve

Flexes proximal phalanx of
fifth toe


Bases and medial
sides of third through
fifth metatarsals

Medial sides of bases of
proximal phalanges of third
through fifth toes

Fourth Layer Lateral plantar
nerve (S2-S3)

Adduct second through fourth
toes and flex MP joint


Adjacent sides of first
through fifth

First: medial side of proximal
phalanx of second toe
Second through fourth: lateral
sides of second through fourth

Fourth Layer Lateral plantar
nerve (S2-S3)

Abduct second through fourth
toes and flex MP joints

Dorsal Muscles of Foot

Form bulge on dorsolateral surface of foot, anterior to lateral malleolus
Two muscles blend together
Extensor digitorum brevis
Proximal attachment: superior surface, anterolateral calcaneus
Splits into four muscles, each with a tendon that blends with that of long extensor
One tendon to great toe
Other tendons to second to fourth toes
Extensor hallucis brevis
Largest and most medial belly of extensor digitorum brevis
Inserts on proximal phalanx of great toe
Supplied by deep fibular nerve
Assist extensor digitorum longus in extending toes


Deep fascia on dorsum of foot
Thin on dorsum
Continuous with inferior extensor retinaculum
Over lateral and posterior aspects it is continuous with plantar fascia
Deep fascia of plantar surface of foot
Central condensation of plantar fascia forms plantar aponeurosis
Arises from calcaneus
Divides into five fibrous bands that split to enclose digital tendons
Vertical septa from deep surface divide the foot into medial, central, and lateral compartments
Functions of plantar fascia
Holds foot together
Protects sole of foot from injury
Supports longitudinal arches
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