Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
Anteriorly: oropharyngeal opening posterior one third tongue epiglottis
Laterally: palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches (containing palatoglossus and palatopharyngeus muscles)
Superiorly: soft palate
Posteriorly: superior and middle constrictor muscles
Contains palatine tonsils
Found in cleft between palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Tonsil lies on tonsillar bed = superior constrictor muscle and pharyngobasilar fascia
United to tongue by median and lateral glossoepiglottic folds
Depression between medial and lateral folds = epiglottic valleculae
From superior border of epiglottis to inferior border of cricoid cartilage
Lined with stratified squamous epithelium
Inferiorly: continuous with esophagus
Superiorly: continuous with oropharynx
Anteriorly: larynx
Posteriorly: middle and inferior constrictor muscles deep: Bodies of C4-C6 vertebrae
Laterally: middle and inferior constrictor muscles
Piriform recesses
Small depressions on either side of laryngeal inlet
Separated from inlet by aryepiglottic folds
Bounded medially by thyroid cartilage and thyrohyoid membrane

Muscles of Pharynx
page 39
page 40

Wall of pharynx is unique
Composed of outer circular and inner longitudinal layers of muscles
External circular layer consists of three constrictor muscles: pharyngeal constrictors
Inner longitudinal layer consists of three paired muscles
Pharyngeal constrictors = three muscles
Superior, middle, and inferior constrictor muscles form a muscular sleeve
Have strong internal facial lining: pharyngobasilar fascia
Contract involuntarily in sequence = peristalsis
All supplied by pharyngeal plexus of nerves
Inner longitudinal layer = three muscles
Elevate larynx
Shorten pharynx
Act during swallowing and speaking
Gaps between constrictors
Areas where structures can enter and leave pharynx
Between superior constructor and skull
Levator veli palatini
Auditory tube
Ascending palatine artery
Between superior and middle constructor
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Glossopharyngeal nerve
Stylohyoid ligament
Between middle and inferior constrictor
Internal laryngeal nerve
Superior laryngeal artery and vein
Below inferior constructor
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
Inferior laryngeal artery

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Main Actions
Superior pharyngeal

Hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe,
mylohyoid line of mandible

Median raphe
of pharynx

Vagus via
pharyngeal plexus

Constricts wall of pharynx during
Middle pharyngeal

Stylohyoid ligament and horns of
hyoid bone

Median raphe
of pharynx

Vagus via
pharyngeal plexus

Constricts wall of pharynx during
Inferior pharyngeal

Oblique line of thyroid cartilage, and
cricoid cartilage

Median raphe
of pharynx

Vagus via
pharyngeal plexus

Constricts wall of pharynx during
SalpingopharyngeusAuditory (pharyngotympanic) tube Side of
pharynx wall

Vagus via
pharyngeal plexus

Elevates pharynx and larynx during
swallowing and speaking
Stylopharyngeus Medial aspect of styloid process Pharyngeal


Elevates pharynx and larynx during
swallowing and speaking

Arterial supply

Tonsillar artery (from facial) to tonsil
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