Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


Head and Neck: Bones and Ligaments

Bones of head and neck

Cervical vertebrae


The skull is divided into the neurocranium or calvaria (contains the brain and its meningeal coverings) and the viscerocranium (facial skeleton).
The skull is composed of 22 bones (excluding the middle ear ossicles), with 8 forming the cranium and 14 forming the face. The orbits (eye
sockets) lie between the calvaria (skull cap) and the facial skeleton and are formed by contributions from 7 different bones.

[Plate 5 - Skull: Anteroposterior Radiograph]

Neurocranium Viscerocranium
Ethmoid 1 Zygomatic 2
Frontal 1 Vomer 1
Occipital 1 Inferior nasal concha 2
Sphenoid 1 Maxilla 2
Parietal 2 Nasal 2
Temporal 2 Palatine 2
Lacrimal 2
(Mandible) 1
N=22 8 + 14
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