Head and Neck: Ear
Is divided into three parts
External ear
External acoustic meatus
Middle ear
Tympanic cavity and its contents
Epitympanic recess
Inner ear
Vestibulocochlear organ
Membranous labyrinth
Bony labyrinth
Functions are equilibrium (balance) and hearing
External Ear
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Auricle or pinna
Skin-covered elastic cartilage
Collects sound and directs it to external auditory meatus
Deep depression: concha
Lobule: earlobe
External auditory (acoustic) meatus
From the deepest part of the concha to the tympanic membrane
Through the tympanic part of the temporal bone
Lateral one third is cartilaginous and lined with normal skin
Medial two thirds are bony and lined with thin skin continuous onto tympanic membrane
Ceruminous glands (wax producing) and sebaceous glands found in subcutaneous tissue of lateral one third
Tympanic membrane
Forms medial wall external ear, lateral wall of middle ear
Oval and semitransparent
Covered with thin skin externally and mucous membrane internally
Has shallow, cone-like depression at its center (seen otoscopically) with the umbo at the center of the depression
Lateral process (handle) of the malleus embedded in tympanic membrane and tip extends to the umbo on the internal surface
Pars tensa
Part of membrane below handle of malleus
Contains circular and radial fibers
Pars flaccida
Part of membrane above handle of malleus
Contains no fibers
Moves in response to air vibrations
Transmits vibrations to auditory ossicles of middle ear via handle of malleus
Middle Ear
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Contained within petrous part of temporal bone
Includes tympanic cavity and epitympanic recess
Is connected anteriorly with nasopharynx by pharyngotympanic tube (auditory canal)
Auditory ossicles (bones of middle ear)
Malleus (hammer)
Incus (anvil)
Stapes (stirrups)
Stapedius and tensor tympani muscles
Chorda tympani nerve
Tympanic plexus (nerves)
Walls of tympanic cavity
Thin bone-tegmen tympani
Separates tympanic cavity from middle cranial fossa
Separates tympanic cavity from superior bulb of internal jugular vein
Medial wall
Separates tympanic cavity from inner ear
a. Promontory: round projection overlying basal turn of cochlea
b. Oval window into which footplate of stapes fits-covered by secondary tympanic membrane