[Plate 105, Cerebrum: Medial Views]
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Is composed of six regions for purposes of description
(1) Cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum)
Largest part of brain
Occupy anterior and middle cranial fossae
Two, separated by longitudinal cerebral fissure
Connected by transverse fiber bundle at base of longitudinal fissure: corpus callosum
Cavity in each hemisphere = ventricle
Composed of four lobes:
Frontal lobe:
Involved in higher mental function
Contains speech and language centers
Parietal lobe:
Initiates movement
Involved in perception
Temporal lobe:
Involved in memory, hearing, and speech
Occipital lobe:
Contains visual cortex
Each lobe marked by folds (gyri) and grooves (sulci)
(2) Diencephalon
Composed of
Surrounds third ventricle of brain between right and left halves
(3) Midbrain (mesencephalon)
At junction of middle and posterior cranial fossae
Contains narrow canal: cerebral aqueduct
(4) Pons
Found in anterior region of posterior cranial cavity