Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1
[Plate 101, Meninges and Superficial Cerebral Veins]

Surround and protect the brain
Are the support for arteries, veins, and venous sinuses
Enclose the subarachnoid space
Enclose cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Are similar in name, structure, and arrangement to those around the spinal cord
Dura mater
Thick fibrous layer
Consists of two layers (unlike the dura mater around the spinal cord)
Outer periosteal layer = periosteum on inner surface of calvaria
Inner meningeal layer
Tightly bound to the periosteal layer
Continuous with the dural of the spinal cord
Arachnoid mater
Thin, nonvascular membrane
Loosely attached to dura mater
Separated from pia mater by subarachnoid space
Pia mater
Adherent to brain and spinal cord
Highly vascular connective tissue
Subarachnoid space
Real space between arachnoid and pia mater
Contains cerebrospinal fluid from ventricular system-cushions brain
Subarachnoid cisterns
Areas where pia and arachnoid are widely separated
Collect large pools of CSF
Occur mainly at base of brain

Venous drainage of brain

Cerebral veins
Superior and lateral surfaces of brain to superior sagittal sinus
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