[Plate 130, Autonomic Nerves in Head]
page 72
page 73
Cranial Nerve Functional Component Cranial Opening
I Olfactory nerve SVA (special sense of smell) Foramina in cribriform plate
II Optic nerve SSA (special sense of sight) Optic canal
III Oculomotor
GSE (motor to extraocular muscles)
GVE (parasympathetic to smooth muscle in eye)
Superior orbital fissure
IV Trochlear nerveGSE (motor to 1 extraocular muscle) Superior orbital fissure
V Trigeminal nerveGSA (sensory to face, orbit, nose, anterior
SVE (motor to skeletal muscles)
three branches: ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular travel
through multiple openings
VI Abducens nerveGSE (motor to 1 extraocular muscle) Superior orbital fissure
VII Facial nerve GSA (sensory to skin of ear)
SVA (special sense of taste to anterior tongue)
GVE (motor to glands-salivary, nasal, lacrimal)
SVE (motor to facial muscles)
Internal acoustic meatus Facial canal Stylomastoid foramen
SSA (special sense of hearing and balance) Internal acoustic meatus
GSA (sensory to posterior tongue)
SVA (special sense of taste-posterior tongue)
GVA (sensory from middle ear, pharynx, carotid
body, and sinus)
GVE (motor to parotid gland)
SVE (motor to 1 muscle of pharynx)
Jugular foramen
X Vagus nerve GSA (sensory external ear)
SVA (special sense of taste-epiglottis)
GVA (sensory from pharynx, larynx, and thoracic
and abdominal organs)
GVE (motor to thoracic and abdominal organs)
SVE (motor to muscles of pharynx/larynx)
Jugular foramen