Atlas of Human Anatomy by Netter

(Darren Dugan) #1


Head and Neck: Cerebral Vasculature

Vascular Supply to the Brain

[Plate 136, Arteries to Brain: Schema]

Arterial Supply
page 77
page 78

Internal carotid arteries
Arise from common carotid arteries in neck
Begin at upper border of thyroid cartilage
Have no branches to face or neck
Enter carotid canals in temporal bone, then pass anteriorly and medially
Run through carotid sinuses in grooves on side of body of sphenoid
Terminal branches
Anterior cerebral artery
Middle cerebral artery
Contribute to circle of Willis
United to posterior cerebral artery by posterior communicating branches
Complete arterial circle around interpeduncular fossa
Provide anterior circulation of brain
Vertebral arteries
First branches of subclavian arteries
Ascend in foramina transversaria of first six cervical vertebrae
Provide vascular supply to cervical spinal cord and neck
Pierce dura and enter cranium via foramen magnum
Unite as at caudal end of pons to form basilar artery
Ascends on clivus
Terminates by dividing into two posterior cerebral arteries
Contribute to circle of Willis
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